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The Color Purple

Kamala wore it. So did Laura Bush (in a lighter shade). Purple is known as the color of Royalty. And The Color Purple, by Alice Walker, is the name of one of the greatest books of our time.

But what else do we know about purple…

The first words that come to mind include royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition and a variety of meanings relating to wealth and extravagance. However, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic are also within its purview.

Purple has the balance of red’s stimulation and blue’s calming properties. Darker shades often represent luxury or opulence, while lighter shades are quite feminine, sentimental, and even nostalgic.

Taehyung, of the Korean Band BTS , stage name V, explained the color purple was a hue of love. "Do you know what purple means? Purple is the last color of the rainbow. Purple means I will trust and love you for a long time, "I just made it up," he said. Since he coined the phrase, fans have used the color purple to express their adoration and affection for the band.

Jacob Olesen, from Copenhagen, writes in depth about color meanings:

“Many believe that purple obtained its leadership qualities via the royal family. Authority figures adore this bold hue because it embodies strength, prestige, and ability. It’s also commonly found in political spheres. When attempting to flex their muscles, people often turn to the color purple. From kings and lords to emperors and superiors, anyone in power is fond of purple…The blue hues that are found in purple are responsible for the spiritual intuition that it provokes. In essence, the color purple encourages the mind, body, and soul to live in harmony…purple is unbiased and civilized, making it one of the more mature colors on the spectrum. Seeing this color promotes understanding and acceptance. Purple can even alter perspectives and opinions. It’s for this reason why philosophers gravitate toward the color purple…Purple’s ability to balance mental clarity with emotional stability is impressive. When we give ourselves fully to the color purple, it can prove a wildly effective meditative technique…”

Oleson continues, “…At its core, the color purple is a lover. It advocates for peace, compassion, and sympathy, which gives purple its warm essence. Violet subscribes to the notion that love is the best thing we can do. When things are in a shambles, it ruffles purple’s feathers. With that said, this well-meaning hue can sometimes be hypersensitive. Purple comes in peace, but it doesn’t always leave as such. When presented with chaos and disruption, adverse effects may take hold. If you’re susceptible to emotional pain, remain attentive when the color purple is near…Musicians, writers, poets, and artists respond well to the color purple. No matter how newfangled a concept may be, the color purple is both willing and able to accept it. Simply put, purple is a champion of innovation.”

As you can see here on my website, I love purple - and always have, without thinking much about its possible meanings. In terms of flower design, purple provides a wonderful contrast to EVERY color - blues, reds, yellows, oranges, greens - it is kind of perfect.

As we approach Valentine’s day, (and given my penchant to go-against-the grain) I urge you to move beyond red roses. (Nothing wrong with them, just….boring.) When you are thinking about gifts and flowers to give, consider purple. “Purple asks us to love fearlessly.” What better way to say I love you?

For more about purple and other colors: https://www.color-meanings.com/purple-color-meaning-the-color-purple/