It's the new moon and the (re)start of the Torah - Genesis or Bereishit. I always love hearing the recitation of words I learned when I was 8 or so. I don’t memorize well but I do know these. Almost everyone knows this creation story - the first chapter of the first book. I chanted them at Kane St Synagogue’s zoom service the other morning so they are sticking with me. When you read Torah, like reading anything out loud, you want to be able to convey the nuances - you have to pay attention to the meaning of individual words closely. What caught my attention were two things.
The word separate (L’Havdil) appears 4 times in some form or other. Separation of light from darkness (twice), water from water, day from night, That is the first step required in creation. And if you think about it, it makes so much sense. You have to separate and SEE your materials before you can begin to imagine how they might look together. Or as my husband says when cooking, start by clearing your work space. So you can see what you have. A good first step.
The other idea that struck me as key to the creative process is MOVEMENT. “The Earth being unformed and void with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from god sweeping over the water.” The word for wind - Ru-ach - also means spirit or breath (take note yogis!) “As a physical phenomenon, wind conforms with the picture of primal chaos…Motion, the essential element in change, originates with God’s dynamic presence.” (commentary from Etz Hayim.) Or, as American composer Stephen Sondheim, says “Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos.”
Whether you believe in god or not, the idea that motion, chaos and change are essential to the creative process is clear. When I make a floral arrangement, or when I work with you to make one, the absolutely most important elements are space and movement. Those are the things that elevate a design from mundane to remarkable.
So as we begin this new cycle, in the midst of the FALL season, and hopefully new reality, I urge you to pay attention to these guiding principles - SEPARATION and MOTION - in whatever creative enterprise you take on.
And speaking of new reality, if you are looking for ways to help with the election, Voter Protection volunteers are needed in 15 states. Florida is KEY! Information can be found here